Renee shared her adventures with Flat Stanley and Flat Stella. Follow the LINK to view her google doc journal. Nancy Fuller took 'the Flats' for their next adventure.
Upcoming Events/Contests/Exhibits
Swanton Arts Spectacular: August 25th. The Writer's Group in conjunction with SAC will be sponsoring a local author's panel. The following authors are committed: Chloe Viner, Pat Esden, Bill Schubart, Tammy Hetrick, Jerry Johnson, Bethany Morrow, and our own Rebecca Rupp! Hope to see everyone there! It is possible the winner of the Edwin M. Church Award will be announced.
League of Vermont Writers presents: Other Paths to Publication, Independent Presses and Self-Publishing. October 6, 2018. Time: 8:30 am-5 pm. Location: Trinity Episcopal Church in Shelburne. Find all the details HERE. There is a registration fee. Bill Schubart is one of the speakers
Swanton Arts Council is sponsoring an arts exhibit entitled "Emotion Speaks". The theme for the exhibit is "Anxiety". The deadline for submission is October 26th. The opening reception will be held on November 9th and the artwork will remain on display until mid December. Upon registration entrants will receive an 8x8 canvas. This canvas must be used for the exhibit. Entrants can create a visual, physical or written piece which exemplifies their perception of the emotion anxiety. Multiple entries are encouraged. Further details and a registration form will be available at the Swanton Arts Spectacular and announced here in a separate entry. Questions can be emailed to Judy Paxmam HERE
Four of our group members read their work: Annie read a portion of one of 3 novels of Emmet Mathieu's proposed scifi series "Phoenix". Renee read a short piece about a man suffering from a mental disorder who thought bugs had literally invaded and consumed his body. Judy read Elizabeth Nance's short story "Going Home". Nancy read her short story "A Post Modern Romance".
Please check out Nancy's art exhibit "Art by Nancy Fuller" at the Alburgh Library. It will be on display until the end of August. Meeting adjourned at 7:40. Upcoming meeting is September 20th at 6 pm at the Swanton Library.