Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Meeting Minutes May 19 2022

Meeting commenced in person at 6 pm.  Attendees: Michelle Willard, Ev Larson, Scott Martell, Emmet Matthieu, Nancy Fuller, and Becky Rupp.  So nice to see some of our core members!  


Bookstock Vermont, June 24-26 2022 "Come to Woodstock for this premier literary festival with a boutique feel and a big heart! Showcases literary luminaries and cross-cultural voices, including Pulitzer Prize winners, Poets Laureate, National Book Award winners, plus debut and best-selling authors from Vermont and beyond. Features a huge sale of used, rare, and vintage books, along with author book signings, live music, food, and entertainment all on The Green in this storybook New England village. It’s free, walkable, and fun for all ages. Be part of the story!" Find all the information HERE

Green Mountain Book Festival, September 23-25 2022  "The Green Mountain Book Festival honors free expression, embraces diverse voices, and encourages a deeper understanding of self and community through a shared love of reading and books."  Find more information HERE and read the VT magazine "Seven Days" article HERE 

Poetry Slam was a hit on April 22, though it was generally agreed that prizes not a plus and should be discontinued in the future. It was suggested that a monthly poetry slam –perhaps wirh added opportunity for varied short readings – might be an excellent program for the library – perhaps on Saturday mornings. (Input welcome!)

Ev suggested Whitcomb’s Community Space in Whallonsburg, NY, which holds open-mic storytelling sessions on the second Wednesday of every month: check it out HERE

Resources and Groups

As always find a wealth of information as well as workshops and support from The Burlington Writer's Workshop

A splinter of BWW called The Green Mountain Writer's Group offers workshops and reviews.  Check it out!

A new SPL book club – name is Fiercely Femme, but is open to everybody – meets for the first time on Tuesday, May 24, at 6 PM at the Swanton Library. Book to be discussed is Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men  by Caroline Perez.  Come and share discussion and opinions. Book club leader: Bianca Braman.

Member news

Emmett has acquired an editor and is about a third of the way through his sci fi novel.  Michelle submitted the first chapter of her novel "The Cage" to a second contest. Eileen Williams will be doing a book signing for her memoir, "The Gosling Bride", at the Swanton Public Library  on Saturday, June 11, at 10 AM. (Accompanied by Lovin’ Lattes.)  Scott has produced a new album with music which centers around depression, medication and love. Becky just won a national grant from Candlewick Press and the ALSC, for providing programs for underserved kids (and is thrilled) spent most of the past month planning a kid’s Native-American themed camp. Also doing VHC talks, writing book proposals, and reviewing a book on the history of orchids. 

Book Suggestions

"Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead" by Olga Tokarczuk

"Old Sparky" by Anthony Galvin

Our discussions were decidedly dark and included the history of prisons in the US, Insane Asylums and Depression and the purpose of 'burn letters': hence the book recs!  We did have a few laughs regarding discussions overheard in bars and the questionable nature of the new 'empowerment' mottos printed on Girl Scout Cookies.  "I'm a Risk Taker' could be problematic!


Ev presented a pair of hilariously politically incorrect list poems (“Michigan: Burlington Style” and “Michigan: North Country Style”) and a short piece, “Lemon Up,” which combined the electric chair at Sing-Sing prison and the new Girl Scout cookies.  Nancy read a journal entry.  Scott recited the lyrics from the title track of his new album.

Next meeting is June 16th at the Swanton Public Library.  In person at 6 pm.  Zoom is available.  Our ongoing writing assignment is to pick an artifact in your home/office and write a piece no longer than 1,000 words.  Essay, poem, story.  Please share and bring a picture of the item if you can.  Hope to see you all soon!

Newsletter for January 2024

 Thank you, as ever, to Becky Subscribe to the Vermont Arts Calendar! This is a statewide, crowdsourced directory of arts and culture events...