Hi All,
So this group has struggled greatly since the onset of Covid in 2020. After much soul searching and discussion among our core members we have decided to move forward with some changes to our meeting structure. Looking to entice new members and revitalize our base.
October meeting attendees: Nancy, Heather, Don, Eileen, Ev, Michelle and new member from Canada Vicky.
Becky could not attend so Michelle lead the group. The focus of our discussion was how the group might move forward. A number of changes were suggested and will be tweaked in successive meetings. Michelle shared Becky's impute on her behalf. The following ideas/practices were favorably received:
Newsletter: Becky and Michelle will assemble and email a newsletter containing contests, resources, seminara etc, the week before each monthly meeting. The form of the newsletter is to be determined, possibly a calendar format. A few printed copies will be made available at the library (logistics to be determined) The purpose: to allow more time during meetings to discuss writing, critique each other's work etc.
A meeting reminder will be included in the newsletter.
Writing prompts: in an effort to get people writing actively, and to stretch our creative muscles, a regular writing prompt will be set at the end of each meeting. Members will have a month to respond to the prompt and hopefully share their interpretations at the next meeting. A reminder will be included in the newsletter. If the prompt does not inspire a member, then sharing a piece of their current WIP (work in progress) is encouraged. As always, healthy constructive feedback will be offered if the member asks. Prompts will range in topic. It was suggested that certain formats might be suggested to encourage members to think outside of their comfort zones ie: a piece written entirely as dialogue, descriptive writing or poetry. A possible alternative is to spend a few minutes during the occasional meeting free writing to a prompt.
More routine meeting activities resumed after the above discussion.
Eileen recommended the online writing workshops offered by the Burlington Writer's Workshop. This website is a fantastic resource for all types of writers and formats of writing. Find more information about the specific group recced by Eileen HERE.
Nancy recommended "Up North" by Neal Zirn "Up North, in a series of poems, looks back at the author's experience of living in the North Country, close to the Canadian border. It speaks to family, relationships, single life, and rural living. It is, at times, emotional, humorous, and insightful regarding human nature."
Ev read "The Bone Saw". A story about a sentient surgical robot. Had us all cringing and laughing. Definitely had the Halloween vibe with distressing notes about where we are going in regards to AI and society. Yikes!
Writing Prompt: The writing prompt for November is the changing of the seasons and what that means to you. Share a tradition, how you feel as we enter 'stick season', otherwise known as naked trees. A poem, a short story, an essay? Bring something to share and promote discussion.
Next meeting is Thursday November 16th. 6 pm at the Swanton Library.